Sunday, August 29, 2004


While it may be perfectly logical to derive an equation stating that Mr.X is unacceptable offering no alternative for reversal; religion offers something called salvation.

The majority of human beings out there are Mr.X's. Science only offers the technology to perhaps overcome mechanical or chemical limitations of their bodies. It is sometimes the love from religion alone that grants some way of hope by which the person concerned would wish to continue to maintain the life force within the
body ( stay alive ).

Transhumanism is a favourable way into the future because it offers something that no other so called logical approaches to the future give. It promises to transcend the biological limitations in an ethical/humane manner. This is very similar to religious promises of a beautiful and equal heaven for all. So, people would choose transhumanism in their futuristic studies as it is the closest thing to what they are already comfortable with, religion.

I have chosen simple words to explain my point. I understand that; to the experienced philosopher or to the self-proclaimed logistics experts, my views may sound distorted and vague.

However, this is exactly the reason why I think transhumanism would work. Because it gives equal hope to those who think through the spirit and those who think through the microscope.

According to me, Transhumanism is a very simple thing to understand. You just need to forget all those difficult words. This is how I see it and I am free to choose so. However, if logistics dictate that my statements are not required since they lack rationality or any of the "isms" proudly and carelessly thrown into the chaos, then I think we have a problem.


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